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Ebola Resources

Ebola Videos & Audio

updated: 16 December, 2014

Audio Videos
Why did Ebola Spread in West Africa? - Rosling's Factpod #2
Excellent study tells how the spread of Ebola started in West Africa.
Ebola Awareness
Produced by the Lagos State Ministry of Health
Ebola Awareness
Ebola Awareness
Produced by the Dr Oz Show
Oz Explains Ebola
Ebola Awareness
Produced by the Cable News Network (CNN)
Ebola Virus
Get Down, Get Funky, Get Protected Against Ebola
A new protective suit for Ebola health care workers is cooler, easier to take off, etc. The prototype "moon suit" from Johns Hopkins won funding from USAID.
Ebola: A Poem for the Living
English, English v2, English v3, English v4, Français, Français Guinéen, Krio, Maninka, Pidgin, Portuguese, Soussou/Susu

United Methodist Communications, Chocolate Moose Media and iheed collaboration
Ebola: A Poem for the Living
Transforming EMS: MIH-CP
Emerging healthcare trend that's improving lives of patients & transforming the role of EMS
Ebola Preparedness for U.S. Healthcare System
ASPR & CDC have developed a Detailed Hospital Checklist for Ebola Preparedness
Safety Vest PSA
Public service announcement on the use of safety vests produced by MONOC
Ebola's Legacy Can Be a Thriving Community Health System
As we fight Ebola, we need to envision and build a community health system where every person in every village has an equal chance at health and survival.
Why Ebola Needs a Community Response
As the spread of Ebola continues to unfold, new health and economic challenges will emerge We won't be able to keep up with the epidemic without invoking a human rights model.
The Urgent Need to Confront Ebola
Ebola is more than a public health crisis. The panic over Ebola has also exposed the severe governance challenges in West Africa.
What is Ebola? Explain like I'm Five | UNICEF
There's a lot of talk about Ebola these days. But what exactly is the disease? How does it spread? And what can you do to help fight it? Three 5-year-olds with a few questions of their own are here to help you make sense of Ebola.
Toofan - Se Laver les Mains au Savon (UNICEF)
Un message à l'attention des plus jeunes pour les inciter à prendre les bonnes habitudes en matière d'hygiène pour tuer les microbes et soémé (esquiver) les maladies. Ambassadeurs de l'UNICEF
Lavado de manos - Le lavage des mains - Handwashing
El lavado de manos con jabón es una de las maneras más efectivas y económicas de prevenir enfermedades diarreicas y respiratorias, que son responsables de muchas muertes infantiles en todo el mundo.
Stop Ebola
Nouveau clip stop ebola du collectif ménéwou du roi de la musique togolaise King Mensah, Toto Patrik, Olibig, Poundy Cissé et Eugène Ablodevi pour apporter leur participation à la sensibilisation sur la maladie à virus Ebola. Savourez et encouragez la musique togolaise.

EBOLA TRAINING VIDEOS - Médecins Sans Frontières

In response to the urgent need for trained health professionals to assist in the efforts to contain the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, Médecins Sans Frontières has been running training sessions in Brussels for international aid workers before they depart for the field. Below are videos used to accompany the training sessions, helping to demonstrate infection control measures.

Note: All videos are without sound to avoid language barriers. All videos are intended to be viewed in training sessions with an experienced Médecins Sans Frontières trainer.

Dressing in Personal Protective Equipment

Removal of Personal Protective Equipment

Drawing of blood

Decontamination of Equipment / Materials

Decontamination of an Ambulance

Patient discharge procedures

Decontamination of deceased body



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