Why did Ebola Spread in West Africa? - Rosling's Factpod #2
Excellent study tells how the spread of Ebola started in West Africa. |
Ebola Awareness
Produced by the Lagos State Ministry of Health |
Ebola Awareness
Produced by the Dr Oz Show |
Ebola Awareness
Produced by the Cable News Network (CNN) |
Get Down, Get Funky, Get Protected Against Ebola
A new protective suit for Ebola health care workers is cooler, easier to take off, etc. The prototype "moon suit" from Johns Hopkins won funding from USAID. |
Ebola: A Poem for the Living
English, English v2, English v3, English v4, Français, Français Guinéen, Krio, Maninka, Pidgin, Portuguese, Soussou/Susu
United Methodist Communications, Chocolate Moose Media and iheed collaboration |
Transforming EMS: MIH-CP
Emerging healthcare trend that's improving lives of patients & transforming the role of EMS |
Ebola Preparedness for U.S. Healthcare System
ASPR & CDC have developed a Detailed Hospital Checklist for Ebola Preparedness |
Safety Vest PSA
Public service announcement on the use of safety vests produced by MONOC |
Ebola's Legacy Can Be a Thriving Community Health System
As we fight Ebola, we need to envision and build a community health system where every person in every village has an equal chance at health and survival. |
Why Ebola Needs a Community Response
As the spread of Ebola continues to unfold, new health and economic challenges will emerge We won't be able to keep up with the epidemic without invoking a human rights model. |
The Urgent Need to Confront Ebola
Ebola is more than a public health crisis. The panic over Ebola has also exposed the severe governance challenges in West Africa. |
What is Ebola? Explain like I'm Five | UNICEF
There's a lot of talk about Ebola these days. But what exactly is the disease? How does it spread? And what can you do to help fight it? Three 5-year-olds with a few questions of their own are here to help you make sense of Ebola. |
Toofan - Se Laver les Mains au Savon (UNICEF)
Un message à l'attention des plus jeunes pour les inciter à prendre les bonnes habitudes en matière d'hygiène pour tuer les microbes et soémé (esquiver) les maladies. Ambassadeurs de l'UNICEF |
Lavado de manos - Le lavage des mains - Handwashing
El lavado de manos con jabón es una de las maneras más efectivas y económicas de prevenir enfermedades diarreicas y respiratorias, que son responsables de muchas muertes infantiles en todo el mundo. |
Stop Ebola
Nouveau clip stop ebola du collectif ménéwou du roi de la musique togolaise King Mensah, Toto Patrik, Olibig, Poundy Cissé et Eugène Ablodevi pour apporter leur participation à la sensibilisation sur la maladie à virus Ebola. Savourez et encouragez la musique togolaise. |